To win the Olympic Games is the dream of all sportspeople and a pride of each country and nation.

In the past, sportspeople in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea proved successful in shooting, boxing, wrestling, weightlifting, judo and artistic gymnastics of the Olympic Games.

Olympic Gold Medalists in DPRK (2)
– The First Twice Olympic Gold Medalist –

Recorded in the history of sports development of the DPRK is a proud success made by Kim Il who won gold medals at the Olympic Games on two occasions.

He stole the show at the 25th Olympic Games in Juche 81 (1992) and four years later, took the first place in the 48-kilogram freestyle wrestling of the 26th Olympic Games. So he became the first twice Olympic gold medalist of the DPRK.

His games struck the world wrestling circles and amateurs with admiration.

At that time, Japanese newspapers reported that Kim Il from the DPRK won two Olympic gold medals in succession, saying:

“His technique was excellent as he had been estimated as the world’s ace.” “He was full of self-confidence and enthusiasm as he had been strong four years before.”

He held the Asian championship three times and annexed the gold at the World Juvenile Freestyle Wrestling Tournament.
He was awarded the title of Labour Hero of the DPRK in Juche 85 (1996) and the title of People’s Athlete in Juche 81 (1992).

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